Who We Are

Our Members

You have a story worth hearing, so we at Worldwide House Church welcome several ways you can share it! You have gifts with the power to heal and save many, so we give you diverse options for displaying them according to your passions! You have knowledge and experiences we don’t, so we eagerly offer a learning ear as you teach us wisdom and empathy!

God carefully crafted you to be a beautifully unique, absolutely necessary member of his Body. We value you in making an exciting and impactful “you” difference at WHC, as we follow Jesus together. We can’t tell you how much your presence means to us and the many others who need you! Thank-you so much.

Our Crew

Worldwide House Church began with one family, and we had enjoyed heavily volunteering at church institutions for decades. But as we learned how devastating people’s needs were globally, how easy they were to meet, and how the vast majority of God’s time and resources at church institutions were spent on us instead, we were compelled to help save the lives these churches weren’t prioritizing.

We started our own house church and organized several others with students, couples, and families. This exponentially increased our time, resources, and impact advocating for those in greatest physical and spiritual need. And we and our children have unreservedly loved the immense fulfillment and fruit we’ve experienced as a result! So much so that we’ve committed 75% of our household income to ministry/charity, and our volunteer Crew happily covers all operating duties and costs to make WHC freely available to you.

As a diverse family united by choice more than circumstance, we embrace the similarity of God’s global family, his Body the Church. We wouldn’t offer WHC if we didn’t hugely believe in it and benefit from it. We’re so excited for you to benefit too!

Our Founder

The worldwide Church is God’s idea, not ours, and he exemplified it first and best as Jesus. Jesus came to give you the fulfilling and fruitful life he created you for. The goal of Worldwide House Church is identical.

He was there when and how people needed him most. So we are too. He consistently upheld the truth of his Word, but always in the context of love. So we do likewise. He embraced the free and convenient environments of homes, public spaces, and outdoor gatherings, so that he could maximize his aid to those most in need in a wonderfully green way. So we embrace the same. He structured his house church around both ongoing growth and organic community. So we prioritize both as well. And he offers all of this at no cost to us-only to himself. That’s why we offer ourselves freely in turn, to in some small way follow God in his vision for his Church. He is the Head of this Body.

Our Members

You have a story worth hearing, so we at Worldwide House Church welcome several ways you can share it! You have gifts with the power to heal and save many, so we give you diverse options for displaying them according to your passions! You have knowledge and experiences we don’t, so we eagerly offer a learning ear as you teach us wisdom and empathy!

God carefully crafted you to be a beautifully unique, absolutely necessary member of his Body. We value you in making an exciting and impactful “you” difference at WHC, as we follow Jesus together. We can’t tell you how much your presence means to us and the many others who need you! Thank-you so much.

Our Crew

Worldwide House Church began with one family, and we had enjoyed heavily volunteering at church institutions for decades. But as we learned how devastating people’s needs were globally, how easy they were to meet, and how the vast majority of God’s time and resources at church institutions were spent on us instead, we were compelled to help save the lives these churches weren’t prioritizing.

We started our own house church and organized several others with students, couples, and families. This exponentially increased our time, resources, and impact advocating for those in greatest physical and spiritual need. And we and our children have unreservedly loved the immense fulfillment and fruit we’ve experienced as a result! So much so that we’ve committed 75% of our household income to ministry/charity, and our volunteer Crew happily covers all operating duties and costs to make WHC freely available to you.

As a diverse family united by choice more than circumstance, we embrace the similarity of God’s global family, his Body the Church. We wouldn’t offer WHC if we didn’t hugely believe in it and benefit from it. We’re so excited for you to benefit too!

Our Founder

The worldwide Church is God’s idea, not ours, and he exemplified it first and best as Jesus. Jesus came to give you the fulfilling and fruitful life he created you for. The goal of Worldwide House Church is identical.

He was there when and how people needed him most. So we are too. He consistently upheld the truth of his Word, but always in the context of love. So we do likewise. He embraced the free and convenient environments of homes, public spaces, and outdoor gatherings, so that he could maximize his aid to those most in need in a wonderfully green way. So we embrace the same. He structured his house church around both ongoing growth and organic community. So we prioritize both as well. And he offers all of this at no cost to us-only to himself. That’s why we offer ourselves freely in turn, to in some small way follow God in his vision for his Church. He is the Head of this Body.

Where you give to those who need it most - Never to us!

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