Teaching – Dating & Marriage
(Note: As WHC has only reviewed the specific teachings below, we can’t more generally recommend other content/actions by these speakers.)
Which would be best for you to explore this week?
Single-Not Alone, Mike Todd (H101)
Covenant Relationships, Rock City Church (H102)
(Starts at 17:00)
Covenant Marriage, Rock City Church (H103)
The Myth of Dating, Mike Todd (H104)
Does "It" Need to End?, Mike Todd (H105)
Covenant Marriage, Rock City Church (H106)
(Starts at 10:00)
Sex Before Marriage, How Far Is Too Far?, Guy Mason (H107)
Sex Container, Mike Todd (H108)
Sexual Revolution, Noel Heikkinen (H109)
Finances in marriage
Money and Marriage, Ed Walker (H110)
How to Combine Finances After Marriage, Dave Ramsey (H111)
Marriage And Money, Dave Ramsey (H112)
Conflict resolution, forgiveness, and marriage maintenance
Major Keys to Marriage, Mike Todd (H113)
Issues with in-laws and extended family
Priorities in Marriage and Dealing with In-Laws, Gene Wagstaff (H114)
Loveology: Divorce, John Mark Comer (H115)
A biblical view of marriage
Loveology: Marriage, John Mark Comer (H116)
Loveology: A Love Story, John Mark Comer (H117)
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