Teaching – The Creation of Humanity
(Note: As WHC has only reviewed the specific teachings below, we can’t more generally recommend other content/actions by these speakers.)
Which would be best for you to explore this week?
Understanding the human spirit or soul and how we bear God’s image
The Case for the Soul: Refuting Physicalist Objections, Inspiring Philosophy (S101)
Humanity’s identity
What is a Human?, Peter Adam (S102)
What Does It Mean to Be Human?, John Mark Comer (S103)
But I Am Not Enough, JD Greears (S104)
Relationship Goals, Mike Todd (S105)
Humanity’s purpose
Identity and Calling, John Mark Comer (S106)
God's Plan for Your Life, Ravi Zacharias (S107)
(Starts at 5:30)
What Does the Lord Require of You?, Noel Heikkinen (S108)
Don't Say No When God Says Go, Christine Caine (S109)
Making Sense of Christianity and Its God, Worldwide House Church (S110)
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