Teaching – Work
(Note: As WHC has only reviewed the specific teachings below, we can’t more generally recommend other content/actions by these speakers.)
Which would be best for you to explore this week?
A biblical approach to work
Work It, Andy Stanley (E101)
Why Your Work Matters to God: Part 1, Chip Ingram (E102)
Why Your Work Matters to God: Part 2, Chip Ingram (E103)
Work Cursed, Mike Bullmore (E104)
Work Redeemed, Josh Mathews (E105)
Redeemed Work Part 1: Doing Well What God Has Called Us to, Mike Bullmore (E106)
Fulfillment at work
Identity and Vocation, Bridgetown Church (E107)
Living out Your Vocation, Bridgetown Church (E108)
Being a Christian example at work
Redeemed Work Part 2: Bearing Witness at Our Work, Mike Bullmore (E109)
Time commitment to work
Redeemed Work Part 3: Finding and Honoring the Rhythm of Work and Rest, Mike Bullmore (E110)
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